Top 4 Advantages of Online Bus Booking


The technological advancements have significantly impacted our lives. Tasks like shopping, booking movie tickets, or marketing, can now be easily done from the comforts of your home. Not only this, you can easily book bus tickets online too. There are now online portals in India that allow you to book bus tickets in a simple and hassle-free manner. Moreover, many of them now even have their mobile apps with the help of which you can book bus tickets on-the-move.

But while the digital world is still very new in the country, a lot of people still prefer booking their bus tickets from offline travel agents. Online bus booking offers a number of advantages as compared to offline booking. We have highlighted 4 of the most important advantages.

1) Saves time

With our current professional schedule and personal commitments, we seldom get time for ourselves and our families. To book tickets from an offline agent, you’ll be required to personally visit the booking office and in most cases, stand in queues to book the ticket. Who really has time for this? Online ticket booking eliminates this physical process and allows you to book tickets in a jiffy.

Simply visit any popular bus ticket booking portal and book your tickets within minutes. For instance, a popular portal AbhiBus doesn’t require more than a few clicks for bus bookings. Not only this, you can also find AbhiBus Coupons to get great discounts on your bookings.

2) Highly convenient<

Another major advantage of online bus booking is the convenience that it offers. It allows you to literally book bus tickets from any part of the world. With offline booking, you were required to send someone to book the tickets for you if you were not in the area physically. This is n longer required with online portals.

Moreover, no matter if you are at home, office, or travelling, you can book bus tickets online anytime. Also, popular portals like Ticket Goose have their mobile app to offer enhanced bus booking convenience. Combined with Ticket Goose Coupons, you can rest assured that your journey would not just be convenient but cost-efficient too.

3) Live tracking

Many of the online bus booking portals that offer mobile app have now started offering an interesting new feature of online bus tracking. With the help of this feature, you can know the location of the bus in real-time. This not only ensures that you catch the bus at the right time but makes it easier for you to keep your friends and family informed.

RedBus, a renowned bus booking service provider, offers this live tracking service. It also offers RedBus Coupons which you can use to get best discounts on your bus bookings.

4) Bus ratings

Everyone wants to enjoy a comfortable bus ride. Right from the seats to the rest stops, you should consider everything to make sure that your journey is a comfortable and relaxing one. Online bus booking portals offer reviews and even pictures to help you make an informed decision. You can check the ratings and reviews of the bus to ensure that you only pick the best.

Moreover, in case of any queries, there is 24×7 customer support offered by reputed portals to make sure that your bus trip is free from any issues.

As you can see, online bus booking offers a host of benefits which make them far better than offline booking. If you are planning to take a bus trip soon, look for a reputed portal like RedBus, AbhiBus, or Ticket Goose to enjoy these benefits and experience a rewarding journey.

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