Unboxing GoPro Hero 5 Black Video in Malayalam


As a professional blogger, it is very much advisable to have a YouTube channel. After starting this website Tech Travel Eat, I have started a YouTube channel for showing up the videos of the places I review. I am very much passionate to take videos of hotels and restaurants for my readers.

Videos are the trends nowadays. People are lazy to sit and read lengthy articles and the same message you can convey with a video of duration shorter than 5 minutes.

So, I have decided to start vlogging along with writing articles on this websites. As you can see all my articles on this blog is having a video attached to it.

I have started recording videos using my Canon 700D DSLR Camera. DSLR Camera is made for photography and, I was experiencing some issues on focusing objects. But there are some Cameras like Canon 70D for shooting purpose. Because of some unknown reasons, I was not comfortable to use such cameras for recording videos.

Then I have bought a Panasonic Handycam and started shooting videos. I was almost happy with the new Handycam and have done so much of hotel reviews with it. You can see those videos on my YouTube channel and don’t forget to subscribe it too. Later I have found some issues that the videos taken with Handycams are too much shaky.

So, to make the videos attractive and shake free, I started doing research on getting a high-quality action camera. I have consulted with some of my photography friends as well as some Facebook friends. The most suggested cameras were GoPro, SJ Cam, DJI Osmo & Xiaomi Yi 2.

Then I started doing research on the camera which I need. My requirement was a compact action camera which I can use as a handheld as well as to fix on my car’s dashboard. I have done a detailed research on Internet by watching videos, reading opinions about people from forums, etc. And finally, I have decided to go with a GoPro Hero 5 Black, which is the top leading product from GoPro.


Once we have decided something to buy, the very next aim is to get that product on your hand very soon. I checked with Mr Anish George who is a famous Photography equipment selling in Kannur, Kerala and he has offered me the GoPro for an attractive rate of Rs.34000/-

My first DSLR Canon 700D was also from Anish’s Videolinks shop. So, I have decided to travel to Kannur and buy the camera directly from his store. I logged into IRCTC website and checked for tickets to Kannur. There was a weekly train (Kochuveli – Lokamanya Tilak Super Fast) available that night from Chengannur at 02.30 Am. A lot of seats were vacant in Third AC for current booking, and I have got the tickets booked.

I reached Kannur by 11 Am the next day and took an auto rickshaw from Railway Station to Videolinks, which is near to Old Bus Stand. My GoPro Hero 5 Black was readily available there, and I have also bought a GoPole for Handheld shooting purpose along with a car dashboard mount. All together it cost me Rs. 40,600.

Almost all the mounts of GoPro are very much expensive. But the quality of those products are excellent, and you may feel it worth after started using it.

I will be writing a detailed review on GoPro after using it for a couple of weeks. Please do watch my videos on YouTube channel and do subscribe us too.


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