How to book Aranmula Vallasadya? Guidelines of Aranmula Vallasadya


Valla Sadhya: Captivating taste buds

Kerala has always had its glory of treating its people with irresistible delicacies. Among the many mouth-watering foods that it offers, the famous Aaranmula Vallasadhya stands high on top with pride due to its magnificence and divinity. The 80-day long season of flavours takes place from 15th July to 2nd October every year , ensuring the captivation of taste buds of people all the time.

Vallasadhya is  a ritual offering to lord Parthasarathy, the presiding deity at the Sree Parthasarathy temple, Aranmula in which oarsmen of the snake boats are given a lavish feast. With over 70 dishes, it is probably one of the largest feasts in India. Besides this, the collaboration of music and sports along with the feast also makes it a unique and highly energetic festival.

Every year, the food extravaganza  witnesses a large participation of Palliyodam’s, it being 51 Palliyoda karayogam’s this year. The feast is arranged by the karayoga sangham in association with the Travancore devaswom board. Considering the hectic task of managing the feast, the palliyoda sangham has come up with guidelines instructing people on how to place orders for the feast. The guidelines are as follows:

  1. The Aranmula vallasadhya orders can be placed through open window system. As a part of this, the valla sadhya has been divided into different packages and devotees may have to pay according to the packages that they choose along with other service costs.
  1. Booking can only be placed at the ‘Panchajanyam office’ of palliyoda sangham.
  1. A payment of Rs.10,000 has to be made in advance by the devotee accompanied by the karayogam beneficiary for the booking.

4. Booking of valla sadhya should be made for a minimum of 200 people and the payment must be settled at least 7 days prior to the event.

  1. An amount of Rs. 50,000 has to be paid for the feast of 200 people, Rs.55,000 for 250 people and Rs.60,000 for 300 people , all excluding dakshina.
  1. Booking should be done only through palliyoda sangham and no other methods will be encouraged. The booking can be done from a single counter.
  1. Devotees have the option to choose the respective palliyoda’s for whom they want to give the feast.
  1. Devotees and localities should make a combined decision on the number of people who would be participating for the valla sadhya.
  1. Seva sangham will take charge of all arrangments if the devotee fails to specify any particular palliyoda for the feast.
  1. A pass is compulsory for the entry at sadhya panthal.
Pass Distributed for Aranmula Vallasadya, One has to produce such pass for getting the free entry.

Thousands of devotees gather every year to give  offerings to their lord during the valla sadhya festival . In addition to this, the devotees are also treated with a feast on the day of Ashtami Rohini ( lord shri krishna’s birthday) during this food extravaganza and hence making it one of the most celebrated feast of India.

Contact Information

Palliyoda Seva Sangam
Reg:No: 63/97
Panchajanyam, Kizhakkenada
Aranmula P O, Pathanamthitta.
Office Tel : 0468 2313010

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