Parunthumpara Kuttikanam Photos, Videos & Information


Parunthumpara is an upcoming tourist destination near Kuttikanam. I used to visit Parunthumpara very often with my friends and family whenever I drive from home towards Kumily, Thekkady. Parunthumpara means Eagles Rock.

I really don’t know how this place has got this name. It may be because you can spot many eagles there, or maybe because of the breathtaking panoramic view of mountains or the shape of mountains.

Being a travel blogger, I started writing articles about unexplored and upcoming destinations. And for that, I have decided to visit Parunthumpara again. It is better to visit this place during early morning or evening time to enjoy the real scenic beauty with cool mountain breeze along with mystical mist.

Parunthumpara is now common with families, students & tourists. People prefer this place to spend some time there especially during the evening. Parunthumpara is also famous among photographers. You can actually drive your vehicles on the rock and click pictures.

Vehicle Photography is the most happening activity in Parunthumpara. Parunthumpara is also a friendly place for couples as well as lovers. 😉

The district tourism promotion council has taken enough steps to make this place safe and attractive for tourist. They have built walkway and railings to tighten the security of tourist.

Don’t expect any hotels or restaurants here, but you will get small tea shops, local snacks, mineral water etc.

For a normal tourist, it hardly takes 15 minutes to see the place and for a nature lover, it may take half day or more to spend time in Parunthumpara. But if you want to enjoy the real beauty of Parunthumpara, Just go around and walk through the paved tiles. Views from there is simply awesome.

It is said that, the ritual ‘Makara Vilakku’ of Sabarimala that happends at Ponnambalamedu can be viewed from here.


How to reach?

Parunthumpara is located in between Kottayam and Kumily. If you are coming from Thekkady, you need to take a left from Kallar Junction and it is around 5 Km from there. If you are coming from Kottayam or Vagamon, you have to take a right from Kallar junction. There is also a private bus service available from Peerumedu to Parunthumpara viewpoint. But I couldn’t collect the timings of it.

1 comment
  1. Hey Travel Lovers..

    Kuttikanam is a lovely place so the Vagamon/Thekkadi is.
    The scenic beauty and the hill track road is exciting.

    Make sure you fill your fuel tanks from Mundakayam so that you won’t run out of fuel as there are no fuels stations in the hills.
    I would also suggest to have a meal before starting the hill track road so you stay charged.
    There is a Hotel named Vazhiyoram which I would suggest for its delicious food and clean bathrooms but the price is slightly higher but the quality justifies the price.
    Also, the Petrol Bunk is just beside the hotel Vazhiyoram so you can fill your fuel tank and stomach in one stop.

    Start the trip to nature which is almost untouched by man.

    Explore the mountains and forest.
    Stop car everywhere take a walk inside the forest where ever possible.


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