Pappadavada Hotel Kochi : An ethnic tea shop


Pappada Vada, a restaurant in Kochi has come up with a unique idea to help feed the poor and the homeless. They started an initiative under which they installed a refrigerator outside for people to donate the excess food that they have. And anyone is welcome to open the fridge and take food from it. The initiative is called ‘Nanma Maram’ which translates to ‘goodness tree’.


Minu Pauline, who left her job at Citibank to start her own chain of restaurants, set up the first outlet of Pappadavada in September 2013. She attributes its success to the community and had a desire to give back. Thus, with the inauguration of her second outlet on March 23, 2016, she began this beautiful initiative.


The fridge, which is located at Kaloor Kathrikadavu road in Kochi will work at all times, through out the year. Everybody can access the fridge, both, to take and to deposit food. Besides this, the Pappada Vada restaurant will stock the fridge with 50 food packets on a daily basis.


Homeless people and those struggling to buy food can help themselves to products in the refrigerator. Pappada Vada will take care of the cost and the operation of Nanma Maram. The restaurant is requesting residents of Kochi to bring in their excess food to Nanma Maram.


One has to make sure that the food is neatly packed and that it is fresh. One also needs to state the preparation date of the food. The restaurant is aiming to reduce wastage of food by ensuring that excess food will reach those in need. It is a matter of feeding not only the body but also the soul through a “great act of charity”. The Pappada Vada restaurant is a modern take on the quintessential tea shops one finds across Kerala.

pappadavada-hotel-nanma-maram-refrigerator-inauguration pappadavada-hotel-kochi

Photos: Minu Pauline & Pappadavada

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