Riva Beach Resort Mandrem Goa, Photos Reviews & Videos


Riva beach resort is located on the white sands of Mandrem Beach of North Goa. The resort overlooks the beach which is almost private except for a couple of a small group of fishermen huts. The resort has a vast space facing the beach and this is the main attraction here.

I had a visit there a few weeks ago during a trip to Goa with my family. I decided to choose Riva Beach Resort to spend our Onam day & the birthday of my younger brother. I have got a great deal from Makemytrip as the last time booking offer. We reached the hotel by around 1 Pm and they made us wait till 2 Pm to allow the room. Meanwhile, we had our lunch at the hotel restaurant itself.

The check in process was normal and the main disadvantage of the hotel is that you have to park your vehicles outside the premises on the road side. But the area was under surveillance by hotel security and the hotel staff will help you to transfer the luggage. We booked the standard rooms and the hotel staff gave us a free upgrade to the luxury room.


There are three categories of rooms in this resort.

1) Cocowood Cottages: Made entirely out of steam treated recyclable wood, the cottage is attached with bathroom. The well-appointed room features a king size bed with a large upholstered back.

It has a private balcony and sits out opening towards the sea. Located in front of the secluded beach, it is ideal for honeymooners or for those who are in search of tranquility.

2) The richly appointed luxury rooms in the dark wood finish are spacious and comfortable and are in keeping with the intimate and tranquil atmosphere of the resort. These Rooms are facing towards the sea with private balconies and sit outs. These elegant Rooms offer designer furniture with relaxing ambience & décor.

3) Premium suite cottages are made entirely out of steam treated recyclable wood. It is situated right in front of the river with having a great view of the river and unlimited sea. The bedroom has a kingsize bed and a balcony with sit out and private garden. The living room features a sofa set having a small dining table. The living room features a sofa set having a small dining table.


1) Restaurant & Bar

The restaurant is located on a prime place having the view of Pool & Sea. The menu is a little overpriced but that will compromise with the quantity and taste of the food. Enough choice of drinks is available at an affordable price. My parents are vegetarian and they have got amazing food of their choice.

Breakfast given was complimentary and had enough dishes like Bhattura, Idli, Eggs, Dosa, Pasta etc.

2) Spa

The resort offers a healthy holiday experience that is totally unique which can transform your physical and mental well-being – the perfect combination of hiking, personal training, yoga, massage in beautiful, comfortable and harmonious surroundings. I found the Spa here is very expensive, So I did not give a try there.

Spa Tariff of Riva Beach Resort, Goa
Spa Tariff of Riva Beach Resort, Goa

3) Kayaking

The hotel has Kayaking boats which can be used in a small river flowing in front of the resort. The river is in between the resort and the beach. You have to pay an additional charge of Rs. 300 for a person or Rs. 500 for a couple to access the Kayaking boat facility. Actually, it would have been great, if the hotel people can provide the Kayaking facility as an add-on to their guests.

4) Swimming Pool

The swimming pool was located ideally in a great location. Even though the pool was not that large, it was clean and tidy. I and my brother enjoyed a lot in the pool. The pool is facing the sea and the view of the sunset from here is awesome. The main advantage of Riva is that the pool timings is relaxed till 10 Pm at the night.

Sun Set from Swimming Pool
Sun Set from Swimming Pool

5) Wifi

Wifi was available all over the resort, but the speed was limited and I found connectivity issues most of the time.

6) Private Beach

You can access the beach in front of the resort easily and it is almost like a private beach. There is a small bridge connecting the beach with the resort, which is attractive and my family enjoyed a lot there on the beach.

Overall Rating

Riva beach resort is located in North Goa near to Mandrem beach and is not a hangout place with activities. If you wanted to go for activities or party, you need to travel to Calangute/Baga area which is around one hour drive from the resort. Riva is the best destination for honeymoon couples as well as families who wanted to spend a peaceful time. If you are looking for a quiet holiday in the North Goa vicinity within a decent budget, Riva is a good option to explore.

Contact Information

Riva Beach Resort
Mandrem Beach, Pernem,
North Goa – 403 527.
Contact No 0832 – 2247 612 / 088
Mobile No +91 9372702533, +91 9372702530
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: http://rivaresorts.com/

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